Founder and Chairwoman

and Futuristic Infrastructure Investment Company!

ALL lives matter!


of the German UN Women Committee,
HRH Princess Rachel Belle




companies vaccine against a common threat such as COVID-19:
We say no to fear cultivated on Planet Earth.
We encourage you to do the same.
Do not collapse in your mind!
We refuse “social distancing”
we promote social proximity and solidarity.
If you need a genuine friend,
I am yours.
Warmest regards,
HRH Princess Rachel Belle
Founder and Chairwoman


My mission: companies funding to create thousands of jobs!

— Author: HRH Princess Rachel Belle
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I am a fan, absolutely great to see HRH Princess Belle stand out, take responsibility, inspire and fight for us. Absolutely courageous. We wish you all the best! We can already see that you are a great leader and will do more great things for us. With you Africa surely have a better future. We hope so! You represent us majestically and greatly. Thanks!
Thank you so much for your kind words. I must admit, it is not every day I get compared to a superhero—though I promise, I am still figuring out how to fly. But in all seriousness, your support truly fuels my drive. With passionate people like you by our side, I have no doubt that we are all in for a future full of great things. Together, we will make sure Africa’s brightest days are ahead! Thank you again for your confidence and encouragement!
Your Royal Highness Princess Belle,
You are smart, beautiful and obviously have a great heart.
I am Single, tall, have no kids. I am a well known Global investor and philanthropist. Frankly I was not looking for a wife, but I think I found one – you my Princess Belle.
I respectfully let you know that I usually do not approach women, but you are exceptional, so I dare to contact you here.
If you are not yet married, please answer my private message – not your PA.
I will share my real name in a private email and look forward to hearing from you soon.
Kind regards,
Dear Marc,
Thank you for your thoughtful and gracious message—it is truly appreciated. I hope this note finds you in excellent spirits. While I always strive to respond personally to such kind correspondence, the demands of my various commitments occasionally delay my replies. To ensure seamless communication, my PA is readily available to assist and expedite responses when needed. Thank you for your understanding. 😊
Your thoughtfulness is a gift Africa and the world will always treasure.”
Thank you for such a generous compliment! Africa and the world have always been close to my heart, and I am just glad to be playing my part in ensuring a brighter future for all.
Truely I concur to your thought about HRH Princess Rachel
Hello Your Highness Princess Rachel Belle,
It is a unique moment to be experiencing this reality, and see someone who knows this planet’s history and strives for its betterment. I am happy and excited to see all that it’s coming.
Best Regards,
Nous sommes sincèrement ravi d’être en contact avec cette équipe si merveilleuse et ayant une vision merveilleuse.
Nous comptons faire partie de cette équipe pour le bon déroulement et soutien à ce grand projet…
Cher Alexis,
Je vous remercie sincèrement pour l’intérêt que vous portez à nos équipes. Votre message témoigne de la qualité du travail qu’elles accomplissent, et cela me réjouit profondément. Des personnes qualifiées, animées par un objectif commun, sont toujours les bienvenues parmi nous.
Afin de garantir l’équité et de maintenir les standards professionnels les plus élevés, je reste en dehors du processus de recrutement. Cela nous permet à nos entreprises de se concentrer exclusivement sur l’embauche fondée sur les compétences et les qualifications. Cela dit, si votre profil correspond aux critères recherchés, nos ressources humaines ne manqueront pas de vous contacter. Je vous souhaite tout le meilleur pour votre candidature et dans la suite de votre parcours.
Good evening Mrs. Niff,
Thank you so much for your message. I trust this reply finds you in good spirits. I wanted to respond personally rather than through my assistants, though I must admit that time constraints sometimes delay my replies.
That said, I feel compelled to emphasize the weight of responsibility that comes with real history. I deeply believe that the Most High God has extraordinary plans for the ‘forgotten ones,’ whose prayers have not gone unheard.
While there is much work ahead, I am filled with hope and confidence knowing that, together, we are making a difference. It is inspiring to witness so many talented individuals worldwide uniting for a common purpose. This gives me immense encouragement and faith in the path we are walking.
Warm regards,
Princess Belle
je suis Roméo NDAYIKENGURUTSE de Bujumbura au Burundi. Je viens de recevoir votre mail de suivi de ma candidature au poste d’Assistant communautaire au sein de votre organisation.
Est-il possible de faire ce travail en français ?
Merci de votre réponse
Oui, c´est possible.
HRH, i am amazed with your profile, for which i have applied for HR job to serve accordingly
Dear Pierre,
Thank you for your interest! I hope this message finds you well and in great spirits. I wanted to take the time to personally respond, even though my schedule can occasionally cause delays.
Given our involvement with several companies, I am not yet certain which organization you’ve applied to. However, I am confident that if your qualifications align with the role, the recruiters of that specific company will gladly reach out to invite you further into the process. To ensure fairness and uphold the integrity of our hiring process, I refrain from intervening. This guarantees that every candidate is assessed purely on their skills and suitability.
Wishing you the very best, and I hope your career journey aligns with one of our opportunities.
Kind regards,
Princess Belle
It’s a great pleasure to know you and your works. Please keep up the good work. CHEERS
Thank you for your kind and encouraging words. I do not know you yet, but it is truly a pleasure to connect with someone as thoughtful as yourself here. I will certainly strive to continue making a positive impact. Cheers to mutual inspiration and success.