Slide HRH Princess Rachel Belle
Slide Her Royal Highness Princess Rachel Belle THE HIDDEN DYNASTY Slide Awards winning AAA INTERGALACTIC INVESTMENTS GROUP
What does this successful financial pioneer say ?
"Poverty is the only illness that cannot be diagnosed by doctors but that financial institutions can and should treat."

I am obligated to serve and help build a stronger Africa. Intelligent infrastructure is the key driver of futuristic industrialisation and economic growth on Earth, our home planet. As part of our efforts to promote industrialisation, we must involve Africa.
HRH Princess Rachel Belle
Founder and Chairwoman
— Author: HRH Princess Rachel Belle
AAAIntergalactic HochschildCapital is The Best Renewables
and Futuristic Infrastructure Investment Company!
Slide We are all human beings with a common root, with diverse philosophies and cultures which can complement one other if we interact in an atmosphere of love, comprehensive communication, and respect.
Black lives matter

ALL lives matter!
Slide — Author: HRH Princess Rachel Belle

"Great leaders do not use their power to enslave their people in all forms; they serve them, do things right and solve crucial issues."
Slide Slide Every human being must develop his/her own character; especially leaders because, without character, it is difficult for the privileged to understand the real, daily, struggles and aspirations of the deprived.

Slide “I am a member
of the German UN Women Committee,
because as laid down in the Basic Law, the dignity of the human being and the equality of women are not negotiable for me. As a member, I can actively campaign for more equality in my business area and against discrimination.”

HRH Princess Rachel Belle
Slide AAA Intergalactic's CEO donated school supplies and gifts to students. AAA Intergalactic's CEO, Princess Belle distributing scholarships
AAA Intergalactic's CEO Princess Belle distributing cash gifts to the best professors In Africa
"We give a fair chance to those left behind, to those who scream without a voice, to those talented ones without fair opportunities."
— Author: HRH Princess Rachel Belle
Slide AAA Intergalactic's CEO Princess Belle distributing cash gifts to the best professors In Africa
His Majesty Ekandjoum Joseph II , King of Baréhock/ Moungo/ Littoral/ Cameroon
Motivational speech
"Poverty is not a lack of potential but a lack of opportunities and support systems."
— Author: HRH Princess Rachel Belle
Slide Students were thrilled and spontaneously sang to thank Princess Belle.
To combat the scourges of poverty, AAA Intergalactic Investments Group has a mission to provide Fair Funding to those most in need of assistance to industrialise their marginalised communities and create thousands of sustainable jobs.
Princess Belle donated school supplies to the Lycée's management, and gifts to the best teachers.
Slide A society with strong women needs stronger men.
— Author: HRH Princess Rachel Belle

companies vaccine against a common threat such as COVID-19:

We say no to fear cultivated on Planet Earth.
We encourage you to do the same.

Do not collapse in your mind!

We refuse “social distancing”
we promote social proximity and solidarity.

If you need a genuine friend,
I am yours.

Warmest regards,
HRH Princess Rachel Belle
Founder and Chairwoman

Slide Human beings without knowledge of their real history, culture, and initial origin are like a tree without roots. — Author: HRH Princess Rachel Belle
Slide In my ancestral culture a woman can be powerful and remain feminine.
Snapshot — no time for photo shoot
Slide While many individuals on planet Earth spend valuable time discriminating or segregating themselves through skin colour, country of origin, language, gender, and/or religion, I consider all human beings as one race: the human race. I love human beings.
Slide My solutions to racism and poverty: Help, restore and empower African Businesses financially.

My mission: companies funding to create thousands of jobs!
Slide Yes, it involves much work in almost all areas, and this is what I am doing days and nights.

Slide "Like my ancestors, I am able to build masterpieces, which will stand the test of time. Join me and let me express what God wrote in my DNA, and it will benefit you."

— Author: HRH Princess Rachel Belle

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5 thoughts on “Meet HRH”

  1. I am a fan, absolutely great to see HRH Princess Belle stand out, take responsibility, inspire and fight for us. Absolutely courageous. We wish you all the best! We can already see that you are a great leader and will do more great things for us. With you Africa surely have a better future. We hope so! You represent us majestically and greatly. Thanks!

  2. Your Royal Highness Princess Belle,
    You are smart, beautiful and obviously have a great heart.
    I am Single, tall, have no kids. I am a well known Global investor and philanthropist. Frankly I was not looking for a wife, but I think I found one – you my Princess Belle.
    I respectfully let you know that I usually do not approach women, but you are exceptional, so I dare to contact you here.
    If you are not yet married, please answer my private message – not your PA.
    I will share my real name in a private email and look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Kind regards,

  3. Hello Your Highness Princess Rachel Belle,

    It is a unique moment to be experiencing this reality, and see someone who knows this planet’s history and strives for its betterment. I am happy and excited to see all that it’s coming.

    Best Regards,

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